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The 2021 National Outreach Survey for Transportation (NOST)

has now ended. Access the NOST report here.

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Introduces the

2021 National Outreach Survey for Transportation Team

Under the 2020 USDOT Combatting Human Trafficking in Transportation Impact Award

The NOST survey launch is July 5, 2021, during the month of July, highlighting World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.

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Our data collection is unique in that we are focused on the survey respondent's experiences, knowledge, perceived challenges, and recommendations of counter-trafficking efforts in their frontline work across industry.

Our Collaborative Research Model for this study includes 5 groups:

1) Senior Research Team (Quick Access)

2) Survivor Leader Advisory Council (Quick Access)

3) Transportation Institutes/Centers and Universities (Quick Access)

4) Oversight Agencies (Quick Access)

5) Working Groups (Quick Access)

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Each approved team member may be recognized for their participation in this study.
Why do we take the time to identify each Contributor to our National Outreach Survey studies? Because every contribution is important and far too many times, hard work and contributions are not always acknowledged in anti-trafficking work.
We are thankful to all of our Contributors! â€‹We are stronger when we work together! 

Senior Researc Team
Senior Research Team

Christi Wigle

UAS CEO and Lead Principle Investigator


Christine Baglin, JD, MPH

Co-Principal Investigator



James Galanis, PhD

Senior Research Advisor



Silvana Croope, PhD

Research Investigator

Alabama Transportation Institute


Thomas Samuel, PhD

Research Associate

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Megan Lundstrom

Director of the Polaris Resilience Fund

Formerly with The Avery Center

Research Associate

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Ron Perrilloux

Senior Advisor for
​Global Government Relations


Kristen Joyner

Director of Communications


KJ Backpack Consultants


Matthew Hudnall, PhD

Senior Analysis Oversight


University of Alabama

Senior Formal Analysis Advisor

Survivor Leader Advisory Council

We are committed to including a diverse population of Survivor Leaders that are lived experience experts who have been exploited through sex and/or labor trafficking. It is important for our Advisory Council to reflect the vulnerable and marginalized populations that are targeted by human traffickers. Our Advisory Council transcends across different races, religions, genders/identities, nationalities, disabilities, and Indigenous populations. 


Ronny Marty

Former Member of the U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking


Jessa Crisp

Co-Founder and Executive Director


Jeri Moomaw

Executive Director



Julissa Ponce

TAPS Case Manager



Christine McDonald

Internationally recognized Author, Speaker, Consultant

Proud Sponsor of the NOST Survivor Survey

We appreciate the following Sponsor of our NOST Survivor Survey.

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Additional sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact the NOST research team here.

Transportation Institutes, Transportation Centers, and Universities

We are delighted to work with the following Transportation Institutes and Transportation Centers, which may include students that are pursuing their Masters or PhD. Undergrad students will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

 Click here to download the benefits of participation. We will continue adding Transportation Institutes/Centers and Universities once their participation is confirmed.

Deputy Director: ​Steven Jones, PhD
ATI Website


Director: Steven Polunsky
ATPRC Website

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Deputy Executive Directo​r: ​Hilary Nixon, PhD
MTI Website


Director: ​Eric Jackson, PhD
CTSRC Website


Director: ​Deb Niemeier, PhD
MTI Website


Director: Billy Terry
Rutgers NTI Website


Director: Livia Miraglia, PhD
UFMG Human Trafficking Clinic

Federal Partners
Oversight Agency
Oversight Agencies

We would like to extend our appreciation to the following agencies, associations, organizations, and entities that have been approved to participate as an Oversight Agency (OA). Each OA will distribute a custom NOS for Transportation survey link to their employees/members. To those who are publicly recognized and to those who wish to remain anonymous, we thank you for engaging your employees/members in the NOS for Transportation. Are you interested in becoming an OA? 

Click Here to download our Oversight Agency Overview. ​We will continue adding OA's once their participation is confirmed. For any OA that requests anonymity, we appreciate your participation among your employees/members.


Please note: In addition to UAS making the anonymized data available in a final report and on an open-source platform, each approved Oversight Agency will also receive an internal report of the anonymized data collected through their custom survey link. This internal report will allow each OA to reflect and inform their own counter-trafficking endeavors; however, only approved OA's will receive this internal report.

Associations & Unions
Companies & Agencies
Oversight Agencies
Department of Transportation
List of States Participating

We appreciate the participation of the following state DOTs. We will continue adding DOTs as they are confirmed. 

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Working Group
Working Groups

We will continue adding Working Group members once their participation is confirmed.

Policy Working Group 
Considers the impact NOS data can have on legislation and make recommendations for updates to existing laws and development of new policies based on insights from the data.
​Chair: Trayce Hockstad, JD   
Co-Chair: Elizabeth Neal
Deb Niemeier, PhD
​Christine McDonald 
​Cynthia Moreno

Chris Baglin

Kristen Joyner

Transportation Outreach Working Group
​Identifies key influencers in the transportation industry and connect with them for potential participation as an Oversight Agency (OA).
Chair: Silvana Croope, PhD
Co-Chair: Yvonne Chen
Amy Storer
Rosemarie Bruckner
Truckers Against Trafficking
Busing on the Lookout


​Airline Ambassadors International

Himan Hojat Jalali, PhD

Graziella Rocha, PhD

Data Visualization Working Group
​Discusses the build-out of the open-source platform and the visualization for the final report. We want our data analytics and visuals to impact positive change.​
Chair: Jeff Wagner                            
​Michael Pack

Matthew Hudnall​, PhD

Kay Chernush

Forced Labor Working Group
​Informs and ensures this study and final report reflects the impact of labor trafficking on adults and children.
Chair: Kezban Yagci Sokat, PhD

Co-Chair: Erin Albright


Hon. Judge Virginia Kendall

Jessa Crisp

Micaela Cayton Garrido

Resham Sethi

Ronny Marty

Jill Bolander Cohen

Migdalia "Millie" Roman

Tamar Foster

Melissa Gomez

Analytics Working Group 
​Analyzes the NOS data and/or contribute to authoring a segment of the final report. We anticipate that this will be our largest Working Group.
Chair: Chris Baglin, JD

Kezban Yagci Sokat, PhD

Matthew Hudnall, PhD
Deb Niemeier, PhD

Andrew Tucker, PhD

Marisa Auguste

Nathan Culmer, PhD

The Stochastic Group, Inc.

Vanessa Frias-Martinez, PhD

Mingxin Li, PhD
​Mary Adams

Cynthia Moreno

Mar Brettman, PhD

Chelsea Treboniak


Trayce Hockstad, JD

​Policy Working Group Chair




Legal Research Associate
University of Alabama


Elizabeth Neal

​Policy Working Group Co-Chair



International Analyst


Christine McDonald

Policy Working Group Member

NOST Survivor Leader Advisory Council Member

Internationally recognized Author, Speaker, Consultant


Policy and Analytics Working Group Member




Erin Albright, JD

Forced Labor Working Group Co-Chair

Founder and Executive Director
New Frameworks


Marisa​ Auguste

Analytics Working Group Member

Driver Behavior Analyst
Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center (


Jeff Wagner

Data Visualization Chair
Global Advisor and Board Member

CEO | CFO | SaaS

Technology Innovation


Kezban Yagci Sokat, PhD

Forced Labor Working Group Chair, Policy and Analytics Working Group Member

Research Associate at the Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) and an Assistant Professor at San Jose State University


Michael Pack

Data Visualization Working Group Member


Director, Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory (CATT Lab) at the Maryland Transportation Institute


Matthew Hudnall, PhD

Data Visualization and Analytics Working Group Member

Associate Director of the Institute of Business Analytics
Culverhouse Institute of Business Analytics at the Unive​rsity of Alabama


Silvana Croope, PhD

​Transportation Outreach Working Group Chair



Yvonne Chen

Transportation Outreach Working Group Co-Chair


Director, Private Sector Engagement ECPAT-USA


Chris Stark

Indigenous Consultant


Author & Researcher with
Anishinaabe and Cherokee Ancestry


Andrew Tucker, PhD

Analytics Working Group Member

Research Associate
Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center (


Nathan Culmer, PhD

Analytics Working Group Member

Director of Academic Technologies and Faculty Development and Assistant Professor
College of Community Health Sciences at The University of Alabama


Christi Wigle

Member of all Working Groups

UAS CEO and Principle Investigator
​for the NOS for Transportation


Vanessa Frias-Martinez, PhD

Analytics Working Group Member

Associate Professor and Data Scientist
University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies


Amy Storer

Transportation Outreach Working Group Member

Intelligence Analyst for Homeland Security Investigations 


Cynthia Moreno

Analytics and Policy Working Group Member



Tamar Foster

Forced Labor Working Group Member

Deputy Executive Director

Little Hoover Commission


Mingxin Li, PhD

Analytics Working Group Member


Delaware Center for Transportation


Rosemarie Bruckner

Transportation Outreach Working Group Member


Transportation Program Manager
Pasco County Public Transportation


Chris Baglin, JD, MPH

Analytics Working Group Chair and Policy Working Group Member


Jill Bolander Cohen

Forced Labor Working Group Member



Migdalia "Millie" Roman

Forced Labor Working Group Member





Ronny Marty

Forced Labor Working Group Member

NOST Survivor Leader Advisory Council Member



Hon. Judge Virginia Kendall

Forced Labor Working Group Member





Jessa Crisp

Forced Labor Working Group Member

NOST Survivor Leader Advisory Council Member



Micaela Cayton Garrido

Forced Labor Working Group Member

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Resham Sethi

Forced Labor Working Group Member


Himan Hojat Jalali, PhD

Transportation Outreach Working Group Member

Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering

University of TX Arlington


Paul Chang

Forced Labor Working Group Member

Adjunct Professor, Cal State Los Angeles and Vanguard University

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Nancy Rivard

Transportation Outreach Working Group Member

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Truckers Against Trafficking

Transportation Outreach Working Group Member

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Busing on the Lookout

Transportation Outreach Working Group Member

A Truckers Against Trafficking Initiative


Artwork for Freedom

Data Visualization Working Group Member

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Melissa Gomez

Forced Labor Working Group Member

Child and Family Policy Institute of California


Kristen Joyner

Communications Consultant, Policy Working Group Member

KJ Backpack, LLC


Graziella Rocha, PhD

Transportation Outreach Working Group Member

Asbrad Project Coordinator


A'ishah Amatullah

Disabilities Consultant & Survivor Advocate



Analytics, Policy, and Transportation Outreach Working Group Member

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Mary Adams

Analytics Working Group Member


Mar Brettman, PhD

Analytics Working Group Member


Chelsea Treboniak

Analytics Working Group Member


The Stochastic Group

Analytics Working Group Member

Why are we passionate about collaboration at United Against Slavery?

We truly believe that we are stronger when we work together. Unity is one of the greatest weapons we have to combat sex and labor trafficking. None of us have all of the answers and none of us are experts in every aspect of anti-trafficking work. The old saying is still true, "if we all do a little, then a lot will get done." At UAS, we always want to provide a place for collaboration that allows each person to bring the strength of their expertise and allow the team as a whole, to accomplish much more than we could have accomplished by ourselves. Funds are limited in this space, so collaboration allows everyone to be recognized for their tremendous work, which we hope the exposure will help open the door for resources for their individual work outside of collaborating with United Against Slavery. We are stakeholders ourselves and we know counter trafficking efforts will better thrive when there is greater unity and resources for everyone making documented successes.


We established UAS Survey Leaders and have collaborated with more than 50 experts in 22 countries already. They represent the faces and hard work of multi-disciplinary stakeholders across the globe who work so diligently on counter trafficking efforts. We believe that we can find unity even in the midst of our diversity. Survivors are counting on us to figure this out...may we rise up to the challenge.


United Against Slavery is actively pursuing implementation of the large-scale National Outreach Survey (NOS), which we believe will allow us to:

  1. Collect comprehensive data from more than 20 key anti-trafficking stakeholder groups for research, programming, and evaluation of anti-trafficking efforts

  2. Launch an open-source data platform to disseminate our research and analytics while protecting the anonymity of all respondents

  3. Publish an analysis that identifies the best practices required to effectively combat sex and labor trafficking both within the U.S. and internationally

  4. Identify benchmarks and measure progress against them over time, in two-year intervals

To our knowledge, United Against Slavery is the only research organization solely focused on collecting comprehensive frontline data in anti-trafficking work across multi-disciplinary groups. We are committed to a survivor focus, collaborating across the anti-trafficking community, and working to drive changes in practice, services, and policies, to improve prevention, enforcement, and outcomes for victims of sex and labor trafficking and those who work on their behalf.

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United Against Slavery
2348 W Andrew Johnson Hwy, #261
​Morristown, TN 37814
​Our headquarters is located in the United States.

(o)  865-309-4445




If you suspect signs of human trafficking, contact your local law enforcement and 
contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-3888. You can also text BeFree (233733).

Copyright © 2021 United Against Slavery

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